Saturday, September 12, 2009

term 3 week 8

1a)What are the 4 rules for religious harmony?

The first rule is all group have to exercise tolerance and restraint.Secind rule is to keep religion separate from politics.Thirdly,government must remain secular.Lastly,maintain the common space that all Singaporeans share.

1b)In your opinion,how can we maintain a common space in schools?

In my opinion,we just have to cooperate and live as family with each other from diffrent races .

2)Do you respect other religion?Why or Why not?
What do you think of children who stay away from thier parents' funerals because they believe the traditional rites are against their new religion?

I respect other religion because we live in a multi-racial country.We have to live like a family.I feel sad for them and they are also unlucky.I feel this rule has to change soon immediately. And i will always respect other religion if i want others to respect my religion too.

term 3 week 6

1a)What is the modus operandi(methid of operating)of the con arstist?

Their modus operandiis to pose in most intances as a volunteer from welfare organisations on project to spruce up the homes of the senior citizens and once let into the homes,these 'volunteer' help themselves mostly to their unsuspecting victims' cash.

1b)What are the Lion Befrienders planning to do to ensure the old folks do not get conned again?

The Lion Befrienders a voluntary welfare organisation which sends volunteers out to lonely senior citizens,has also alerted those under its charge about these scamster.

2)Do you like doing social work?Why or why not?

yes,would love to,because it teaches us how to be responsible and independent.we rather help things and people out instead of wasting time doing nothing. and wasting our precious time just like that.

term 3 week 5

1a) What are the 2 worrying trends about drug trafficking mentioned in the article?

The first worrying trend is that for drugs such as ecstasy and ketamine,the sentence is up to 20 years' jail and 15 strokes of the cane,while for the cannabis,heroin and cocaine,adults traffickers face the death penalty.Another worrying trend is that more Singaporeans are being arrested for drugs crimes overseas.

1b) Why are Singaporeans increasingly being used as "drug mules"?

It's because Singaporeans do not need a visa for many places,and they are also less likely to be checked because of Singapore's reputation for being tough on drugs.

2) What will you do if you find out that one of your friends is selling drugs?

I will immediately contact the police.I will also question them asking them why they did this and tell them about the dangers and life situation.And i will help them by givin good advice about what the are doing.

How will you react if someone tries to sell you drugs?

I will just tell them i am not interested and ignore them and walk away.

tern 3 week 4

1a) Why is it easy for burglars to break into stalls at the two markets in the Kallang area?

It is easy beacause the unit are open at the top,leaving them to exposed to thieves.And does not have seft percaution.

b) What is the Geylang East Central Merchants' Association going to do about the break-ins?

They are going to look into improving security by modifying the stall layout and design.The NEA said the stall-holders who want to equip their stalls with additional security features like grilles could apply to do so.

2. What do you think should be done to tighten the security of the markets?
What do you think of the burglars who brazenly break into the stalls?

I think they should have security alarm or cameras which will make it more safer.I think they should think once or twice what they have done and,they should also regret and learn through thier mistakes.

term 3 week 3

1a)Why is cheerleading an expensive sport?

Cheerleading is an expensive sport because the quality of the costumes and it will attract the audience attraction.Their looks are on of the important role to cheer for the team and to look good.They need to have lots of accessories such as hairspray and lots more.This affect the cost rate of it.In order to stay strong always,they need to have vitamins to build their muscles and cheer for their team.It will cost around $50-$130 per bottle.They are also provided with energy drinks which costs alot.

1b)What makes cheerleading such a tough sport?

Cheerleading need lots of co-operation and lots of energy to stay strong just to learn the dance steps.It may take weeks months even years .It is a tough sport because there will be training carried out every week or even after school every day.

2)What is your opinion of cheerleaders?
If given a chance, would you join cheerleading? Why/ why not?

my opinions on cheerleaders are they are sporty and energetic,and they should be always.if i was given for a chance i would be greatly honered to's actually a good sport to take gives good body structure and flexibility for some,especialy the costumes they are cool and attractive and i am also quite intersted in cheer leading as i love to dance too.

Monday, April 20, 2009


Q1.What are the big companies doing in order to be more socially responsible?

Singtel is having their energy saving programmes that helps to reduce business costs and DBS is trying to be more responsible as its community is focusing on helping children to reach their full potential in learning and education.

Q2.How important is it to be socially responsible?and do you think it is still possible to make a social impact during the recession?

It is important to be socially responsible as we do help other people who need help!yes by helping people are poor and doing things that are worth it and not wasteful!


Q1.What are some of the things that schools in singapore are doing in order to take care of the environment?

The schools in singapore are having their own 'Save the earth' programme like testing the air quality in the schools environment.

Q2.Do you think one person's effort in reducing,reusing and recycling will make a difference in saving the environment?
what steps have you taken in the effort to save the earth?

yes it will.I have used recycling materials for my school projects and used recycle stuff again when it is still able to be use and have thrown unwanted households from my house and thrown it into the recycling bin that is provided for recycling.


Q1.How does the treatment programme of the singapore prison service help sex offenders?

They help sex offenders to learn about what they think and awareness for them of this process and help them not having sex underage nor do rapes girls.

Q2.Do you think that sex offenders should be given a second chance in the society?state your reaons.

Yes,they may reliase the consequences by now after being imprison for years.People do make mistake and they DO learn from their mistake.Hopefully they would noy repeat their silly mistake by doing this that have made them waste lots of wonderful time in life in prison and being punish.


Q1.What is illegal logging?

Illegal logging is a thing that is prohibited by law! This causes endangered animals like the sumtra tigers to run away nor steal or pull away from their habitat.

Q2.what can you do to stop sumatra tigers from extinction?

I can help by supporting the wildlife society and tell others to support it too with proud!


In the last line, what did the writer mean by suggesting that “he may have found more porcupines than rats?”

Porcupines are animals have spiky body which can protect them from harm . However , rats are different from porcupines , they quickly run when they see or hear something on the spot,and why the writer said that because they wanted more people to protect these things from other people.What’s worth giving up your life for?To take responsibility to defend the country in case of any bombing or terrorists actions happens all sudden.We have to do and have confidence to do this as we are also part of this country,and anything can happen tomorrow anywhere and anytime.

9 fed

What was Jack Neo’s vocation when he was serving the nation?

Jack Neo was posted to the Singapore Armed Forces Music and Drama Company .He had contributed cartoon to Pioneer magazine , published by the Minister of Defence for its troops .“Hard work leads to success.”

To what extend do you agree with this statement?

I totally agree with this phrase as without hard work we can't acheive in our lives and we can't reach to our goal life.Each of us have a weakness in ourselves.We all have failiures in us.We all know that we learn through mistakes,so without hard work achieving in life is a'no way policy'.

term 1 week 7

Q1) Why Coral Secondary School forbids students to idle around near their school in their school uniform?
It's because they could do something bad like smoking or having a gang fight spoiling the school name and priciples.This can be seen by anyone around them and they may give a bad feedback to the school saying that,''coral sec school students are misbehaving outside school while wearing school uniform''.This result will show how bad the school is or the way they didnt teach them.

Q2) Do you agree with this rule? Explain your answer.
Half yes and half no,yes because the school students will learn good disciplone habits and will not behave mischeviously outside.No because it won't be fair to those who behave good in and outside school.Anyway creating a good rule leads a good way and life..

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

term1 wk 9

ST Reflection 2009 – Secondary 2NA/Exp
Term 1, Week 9 (2nd March 09)

Ketamine (In Control pg 3)

Q1) What are the different forms of ketamine?
A)Ketamine usually in an injectable liquid forms and also do come in as powder forms.
Q2) What would you do if you knew your friend took ketamine?
I would abvice him/she not to take but if they still insist of taking it,i would inform the police or my teachers for his/she benefit.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nurul Sazliyana 203

By the forest near by the Sinapore island Country club(SICC).
Nope is not correct.Underage drinker is illegal in Singapore.
From my opinion,teenage who drink beer and etc... is spolitling their own health.All of that stuff contain bad stuff.